Background Information
Community Action For Health and Development was founded in the year 2008 as a Community
Based Organization by a group of minded young professionals in the development mainstream as
a means of doing service above self by championing for the rights of underprivileged young
persons, and the poor in our community for empowerment and equity.
It was realized that this organization must also address the plight of children that were left behind
the widows as orphans and the vulnerable children who were left to yonder after the death of
their parents. Therefore, the organization is currently focusing on issues that affect the growth
and development of the youths, the children and other vulnerable and disadvantaged community
members’ in Homa-Bay municipality.
Who we are
CAHED is an independent not-for profit community Based Organization (CBO) registered with
Ministry of Gender, Sports, Children and Social services. The organization geared towards the
abolition of child abuse and neglect and empowerment of the youth and other disadvantaged
person’s .We are working with the orphans and vulnerable children, girls and women, the youths
and the most vulnerable communities of Homa-Bay County which is part of 47 counties forming
Kenya. It is located in the south western part of Kenya along Lake Victoria.
It borders Kisumu County to the north across the lake, Migori County to the south and Lake
Victoria to the west. It is located between longitude 34º E and 34º 20” and latitudes 0º 20”S and
0º 52”S. The County covers an area of 8,056 km² exclusive of water. The county comprises of 16
islands, 5 District with the two biggest islands Mfangano followed by Rusinga. The water mass
covers an area of 1,190 km ²
CAHED aimed at the Economic Growth and reduction of Poverty, of all kinds of abuse, youth
empowerment and education among its priority agenda. This has now become our major activity