Ttamu Ministries Uganda



  • Uganda
Ttamu Ministries Ugandan Orphanage was conceptualized when the Director of the organization realized his dreams of trying to be able to support children who are socially alienated as a result of losing their parents due to AIDS. He is using Ttamu as a way to help children that find themselves in this predicament (an unpleasantly, difficult or dangerous situation). Most of these children are expelled from their households because other family members deem them unclean and contagious. Many members of the external families are usually not financially stable and can not care for these children. This was a common practice in the communities he lived and worked in his home country Uganda. For socially displaced infants with no moral support, life becomes very challenging at such an early stage. This is the reason why the Director, who has dealt with these situations, is now lending a hand to the many children whose fate can be changed through this organization

Ttamu concentrates on orphans and needy ones in the community and other parts of the country ,
Ttamu is registered as a community based, multi purpose, and development group for orphans. It is regardless of race age, religious or ethnic background to provide basic accommodations, nutrition, education and to teach them the ways of the Lord. How to obey His only son Jesus Christ .

Ttamu is a place where destitute children feel at home as they learn in Home-Schools environment. The community we serve has a population of over 400,000 (A large number of them are children). One third of the population is infected with HIV/AIDS. We are doing something to help, so people do not die without hope. We share the love of Jesus, as demonstrated in His Living Word. In a hands on, practical way. This is some of the work we do toward caring for orphans. We provide food, clothing, accommodations, medical care, academic education ,spiritual education and much, much more....{ spiritual nourishment! } It is what Jesus wants His Church to do! Luke 10:37 {WE ARE THAT CHURCH!}