The Olmalaika Trust



  • United States

The Olmalaika Trust is located in Sekenani, Narok County, Kenya and sit on the very edge of the famous Maasai Mara National Reserve. The Trust has a home for young girls under the age of 10 all the way down to newborns - that have experienced trauma in their lives - including FGM - female genital mutilation, childhood marriage, rape, assault, abandonment and more. Its a place to begin healing and be able to go to school.

The Trust also is home to the Olmalaika Trust Dental Clinic which provides FREE care to ALL! It is staff by volunteer dentists and hygienists from around the world - that come simply to volunteer there time. Some for a few days, some for up to 3 weeks. The clinic is able to provide root canals, fillings, xrays, cleanings, consultations & extractions.

The Trust is as well home to the Olmalaika Days for Girls - where the staff at the Trust sew fabric menstrual kits which are sold to raise money for the girls home - and the kits are given to school girls.

We love volunteers - you can rock babies, tutor the girls, play sports, sew, work in dental and more! Contact us: