Project C.U.R.E.

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  • United States

Since 1987, Project C.U.R.E has been delivering life-saving medical equipment and supplies to hospitals and clinics throughout the under-resourced world. We are the world’s largest distributor of donated international medical relief—touching the lives of children and families in more than 135 countries. On average, each week Project C.U.R.E. delivers three to five semi-truck-sized containers packed with the medical equipment and supplies so desperately needed by local hospitals and clinics.

Project C.U.R.E. offers volunteer travel programs that allow us to personally support our international partners by traveling to their healthcare facilities to provide medical treatment, training, community health education, and container delivery support. Our travel programs include C.U.R.E. Clinics, C.U.R.E. College, and C.U.R.E. Cares. Take a deeper dive into our travel volunteer opportunities.