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  • United States
We Are DriButts! We are trying to spread the word of how we simply save lives with diapers. 2195 children die daily from fecal related diseases in developing countries. So we have created a unique reusable diaper that works in the rough areas of the world. A simple diaper can help lower the risk of a child becoming ill or dying from from such diseases. We have created this diaper out of Dri-Fit fabric so it dries quickly and does not hold onto bacteria. It is fully reusable, adjustable and can be washed in a bucket (No Washing Machine Needed). Simply, We created a diaper that will work in some of the worst areas of the world... We Save Babies Lives!
Here are two stories that were recently released about our non-profit. Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/11/15/pastor-cr... and Atlanta Magazine write up on us http://www.atlantamagazine.com/news-culture-articl... - Also here a link to our pressroom page dributts.com/press